Murray, Stone & Wilson PLLC

Let us help you grow your law firm through the web

Facebook Ads results.  


To find new nursing home abuse and personal injury clients using Facebook Advertising and SEO. 


In a challenging market like Philadelphia, PA, it can be difficult to get personal injury leads at a good cost.  Using our Vertical Lead System, we were able to generate leads at $83 per lead which is phenomenal in a large, populated city like Philadelphia.  Most firms are happy with paying $200 per lead but our goal is always under $100 per lead. 

In the first three months, we brought in 200 leads and Murray, Stone & Wilson signed over 10 new cases valued in the six-figure range.  Their return on investment is over 1000% in just a few months of working with us!



4.2% CTR

$83 Cost Per Lead

1150% ROI

From The Client

"Arash and his team have taken our online marketing to a completely new level, increasing the number of leads we get by over 500%".

Our case studies

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