Law Offices of Dion J. Custis, P.C.

Let us help you grow your law firm through the web

Facebook Ads results.  


To get new criminal and personal injury leads and cases at a $1500 per month budget.  


Dion Custis is an Attorney who practices in Wyoming and Colorado.  He is a solo with one paralegal.  His referrals had dried up and he didn't have a large budget for advertising.  We decided Facebook ads would be perfect for Dion because we were confident that our Attorney Accelerator System could bring him leads for under $75 per lead. 

In his first month, he signed two cases with a positive ROI and the leads have continued to improve each month since. He's now signing multiple cases per month and averaging an ROI of over 250%.  After six months, we continue getting Dion leads for around $58 per lead and he is consistently signing criminal and the occasional personal injury case.  We also completely redesigned his website and are now performing SEO for his firm.  Dion is a happy Vertical 10 client!



3.1% CTR

$58 Cost Per Lead

250% ROI

From The Client

"Vertical 10 is helping my practice to be recognized in my community and I'm getting a consistent flow of cases each month due to their efforts".

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