Bossie, Reilly & Oh

Let us help you grow your law firm through the web

Facebook Ads results.  
Email from one of the owners


To find new nursing home abuse clients using Facebook Advertising and SEO. 


We developed a targeting strategy that was able to find specific clients or their family members that had suffered from nursing home abuse.  We were able to start bringing in leads in the first week Bossie, Reilly & Oh began working with us.  After the first few months, we generated over 100 solid leads.  They signed many new cases and several were very high-value 6-figure cases. 

Alongside the nursing home Facebook Campaigns, we ran "top of mind" ads targeting the Phoenix, AZ population in a 25-mile vicinity of their office.  This also brought in new PNCs in a short period of time. 

At the same time, we began performing SEO for their website to fix their site issues and work on bringing in organic traffic through google.  We write two custom SEO-optimized articles that we publish on their website each week.  Using these articles, we work on getting them "backlinks" to their site from high authority websites.  In just a few months, Bossie, Reilly & Oh have started ranking for keywords on the first page of google and generating organic leads.  

We actually doubled their caseload so quickly that they asked us to stop the ads for a short time so they could catch up!


2.5% CTR

$65 Cost Per Lead

512% ROI

From The Client

"I highly recommend Vertical10 to any law firm looking to advertise through Facebook or any other means.  You will not be disappointed". 

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