8 Essential Facebook Ad Tips All Lawyers Must Follow

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Facebook Ads are a powerful tool for lawyers to reach more potential clients. It’s a cost-effective way to help them target people in their locality and demographic profile. Many digital marketing agencies for lawyers would recommend this strategy because Facebook has a massive audience of nearly three billion active users. 

However, it can be tricky for lawyers to implement a successful digital marketing strategy because of the strict regulations in the legal practice, and others may not have a background in digital marketing. 

If you want your practice to get more clients, this article will enumerate eight crucial Facebook ad tips your legal firm must follow.

1. Check Your Audience Insights 

Before beginning a new Facebook ad campaign, any reputable digital marketing agency for lawyers would urge you to look at your target audience and focus on creating relevant content for them. 

Check your Audience Insights to determine who’s already engaging with your page, and use the Ads platform to tailor content to that group. For instance, if you own a personal injury firm, you should create ads more likely to resonate with a younger audience than an older one. 

2. Consider Your Campaign Goals

Like other successful campaigns, lawyers and law firms using Facebook ads must state their goals before creating content, copy, or landing pages. Create ads linking to instructional content for those beginning the sales cycle. On the other hand, you should create ads focusing on how your service will benefit customers for those closer to becoming clients. 

3. Optimize Your Site for Mobile Devices

Digital marketing agencies for lawyers urge legal firms to optimize their Facebook ads for mobile devices because they make up a good amount of web traffic and social media reach. Privacy concerns also make people more likely to click on an advertisement on a mobile device instead of a shared computer. 

4. Be Creative 

While getting inspiration from others is okay, you should also have original ideas to succeed in the competitive industry. Instead of using the same messaging as other law firms, try to be creative and use attractive visuals and catchy headlines to attract the right people to your business. 

5. Show the Human Side 

Creating a successful marketing campaign for a law firm means publishing eye-catching materials and emotionally connecting with your target audience. You can establish trust and form a deep connection with potential clients by using conversational copy and images that show the lawyers interacting with customers. That way, people will think your law firm genuinely cares about its clients and makes customers feel heard. 

6. Create a Funnel for Video Retargeting

While many people may be uninterested in watching a lawyer discuss a legal problem, this video may be helpful for others facing a similar legal matter. You can increase your ad campaigns’ success using Facebook’s Video Retargeting Funnel. Create a ten-minute video ad tailored to your local market and get it to as many viewers as possible. 

From there, you can target them with other related content and encourage them to schedule an appointment with your law firm. 

7. Invest in Lookalike Audiences and Geotargeting 

Lookalike audiences are a powerful automated Facebook targeting tool that lets you target more users who share similar patterns and activities as a custom audience. When creating a lookalike audience, always specify what country you want to target. 

8. Add Compelling Calls-To-Action (CTAs)

When creating Facebook ads for law firms, you must use a clear call to action, limit words in images, and optimize for conversions instead of campaign targets. Ads are more effective when advertising a specific fee instead of offering free consultations. 


Facebook ads are a valuable tool for a successful law firm. You can get the best results by following the best practices and working with a digital marketing agency for lawyers. 

Vertical10 is a professional digital marketing agency for lawyers committed to understanding your needs and helping your firm grow and excel. Work with us now to learn more!

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